Property Valuation Process
The Property Valuation process, followed by Valuetec Property Valuations, is outlined in a detailed step by step process below:

Our proposal indicates the
valuation methodology to be
utilised, timeframe and
information which is required
from you.
Payment of a deposit is required
in order for us to commence
with the valuation.

Our admin department will
inform you which of our
Professional Valuers has been
assigned to your property
The respective valuer will then
contact you to arrange an
appointment for the inspection
of the property & request any
necesarry info.

The Valuer will identify your
property electronically and
prepare for the site visit by
familiarising himself with the
property and obtain pertinent
information from the relevant
authorities, which you as the
client were perhaps not able to

On site, the Valuer will:
▪ Take photographs
▪ Take measurements
▪ Take notes of the finishes,
condition & problem areas
▪ Discuss any concerns which
you may have regarding the
property or valuation
▪ Interview representatives
such as tenants or Sellers etc
▪ Request building plans/ info

Valuer will drive around the
area to identify comparable
sales and micro economic
factors. Back at the office and
dependant on the type of
property, the Valuer will
conduct the necesarry research,
such as: sales, rentals, cap rates,
vacancies, land values, macro
economic factors, building costs,
income & expenses.

The Valuer will have discussions
with local agents and brokers
to confirm info. The valuation
will be reviewed internally by
our panel. The Valuer will then
collate all info & research
applicable to the property &
present it all in a fully motivated
valuation report (±20 pages).
Final quality control is done &
the report is signed off.

The Admin department will
inform you that the report is
complete and that the balance
of the fee can be paid.
The report will be emailed to
you and after you have had
a chance to peruse such, the
Valuer will discuss the report
with you and attend to any
concerns which you may have.
At Valuetec Property Valuations, we provide all forms of valuation and advisory services across all property types. No matter the type of property valuation report you require, we are able to assist.
Different property types require the use of different valuation methodologies. Generally income producing properties require the utilisation of a detailed Discounted Cash Flow analysis or the 1st Years Income Capitalisation Method. Specialised properties require the use of specialised methodologies and the Comparable Sales Method is used for the valuation of residential properties and land etc. For insurance purposes, the Estimated New Replacement Cost method is utilised and the Depreciated Replacement Cost Method can be utilised for market value purposes, where properties of a special or unique nature are encountered.
We are able to adapt our property valuation report formats to accommodate specific client requirements and our services cover a wide spectrum of valuation purposes:
- Market value for Sale or Purchase of a property;
- Market value for Financial Statement purposes;
- Estimated New Replacement Cost (ENRC) for Insurance Purposes;
- Depreciated Replacement Value (DRV) for Specialised Property market valuation purposes;
- Market Rental Determinations for Lease Negotiations, Lease Renewals or Rental Disputes;
- Divorces;
- Legal Purposes;
- Arbitration purposes;
- Municipal Market Value Objections – Should a municipality value your property above market value, we can assist in objecting to such valuation so as to avoid paying an unnecessary and inflated monthly property rates expense;
- Valuation of Deceased Estates;
- Capital Gains Tax or other Tax Purposes;
- Forced sale values for Liquidation purposes;
- Valuation of assets for Security/ Funding Purposes (mortgage finance);
- Alternative Use property valuations;
- Valuations of Property Developments or Residual Land Valuations;
- Immigration Application purposes;
- Releasing of Guarantees;
- Valuations for Expropriation purposes;
- Valuation of Servitudes;
- Land Claims;
- Valuations required to determine values for Mergers or Take-overs;
- Valuations for Division of Family or Business Property Assets;
In addition to providing Property Valuation services, we have formed partnerships with various property professionals specialising in their respective fields of expertise, so as to provide our clients with a “1 stop service” for all your property related requirements.
This benefits our clients as follows:
- Quicker turnaround times – info is passed between divisions and a collaborated team effort occurs.
- Discounted rates – savings are passed onto our clients
- Less fuss & admin – due to there being 1 point of contact
Each particular service is discussed in more detail under our “Outsourced Team & Services” page.